∑at Dailymotion Watch Online Holmes and Watson





Audience Score: 26887 Votes

genre: Comedy, Mystery

release year: 2018

Info: A humorous take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's classic mysteries featuring Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson

user ratings: 4,4 / 10 Stars

Watch online holmes and watson full.
Lol can’t believe they made a live action Sherlock Gnomes.
Watch online holmes and watson divorce.
1:15 finally they added the meme to a Sherlock movie.
The problem with the movie is the fact both main characters are extremely unlikeable, and the jokes are too juvenile for the juxtaposition of comedy vs classic to work.
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House and Wilson.

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When he started shooting the bees 😁😁😂😂😂😂

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Haha bromance 😂.
Oh God just kiss already :D.
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Ayy welsh man from Gavin and Stacy.
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Love this.
Robert Downey and Benedict Cumberbatch better make a cameo in this.
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Hahaha I love how Sherlock basically said that he will be John’s future wife.
I still love the way Sherlock is like. Literaly sleeping on him in the beggining and even thouhg Watson is furious with him he doesn’t wake him up and move at all. God I love those two.

Holme’s girlfriend voice – brilliant.
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1:53 when your girlfriend says you can stay out for the night.
Holmes and watson watch online 123.
Did anyone even watch this.
Watch online holmes and watson online.
Im honestly surprised its taken this long for someone to do a legit cinematic parody of Sherlock Holmes.
After this, I feel like watching a few Granada television episodes with Jeremy Brett, just to remember how Sherlock Holmes really should be portrayed…

Watch Online Holmes and watson.

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Why else? Why else. Because you love him John 😀 Because you love him haha XD.

Come on, Holmes. Even if you ran out of jokes, you could thought-pwn a couple guys with your buddy Pig Joe backing you up. You could rule that yard.

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I can’t believe they got Ralph Fiennes to play Moriarty. This movie looks ridiculous, but that’s some excellent casting. He would have been great in the role in like an actual serious version.
Epic fail of a movie.
I am psychologically disturbed! 😂 Probably his way of saying: I am so in love with you, I am so messed up.



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